Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fat Poco

Ever heard of the "R-U-Hungry" stand at Rutgers University? They also put one up in State college. To my knowledge, this was the only place that I knew of that served fat sandwiches. What does that mean? Well, a sandwich stuffed with...everything. Cheese steaks, chicken fingers, fries, mozzarella sticks, onion rings, etc. Anything terrible you can think of that will most likely give you a heart attack is on that sandwich.

Frank's Trattoria Pizzeria on the corner of Richland and West Princess serves fat sandwiches. I got a phone call one day from my coworker, Ash, as I was walking up to the stairs of the building. "Are you gonna be here soon?" There was urgency in her voice. I told her I was walking up the stairs now, and she asked if I wanted anything from Frank's, they were ordering. So looking at the menu I decided on the Fat Poco. Chicken fingers, French fries, mozzarella sticks, onions and bbq sauce.

Frank's also has free delivery. With that being said, I don't recommend the free delivery. The saddest part about the meal. We were told it would be 40 minutes (And seriously, we work 4 blocks up the street). After an hour we call, and it takes another 20 minutes for the meal to get to us. When it did... Here was the reaction.

Look how excited this kid is? Oh yeah, the fat sandwich is finally here.

So here's my critique. I think that sandwich was incredibly awesome. Unfortunately, I have a weak sissy stomach and I could only eat about, 1/3 of the sandwich before I felt really sick from eating all that heavy greasy stuff. I guess it's a positive, or a negative. If I were accustomed to eating all that I might be 30 pounds heavier. So all in all, it was totally worth it. Plus the sandwich was only $7. With free delivery or even pick up which would take less time. Here's my wonderful creation...

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